Minecraft Tutorial: How to Make a Bedroom Design (Modern House Build Ep.11)
Well hello there, GoodTimesWithScar here bringing you a how to build a modern house series. This new Minecraft house building tutorial will go over all the aspects of making a cool looking Minecraft house or structures from the layout, house design and interior design. In this new modern house project we will make a large mansion style house with a pool and garage. The house will be made out of quartz, spruce wood, dark oak, and hardened clay. The name of the house is the s’more house. In episode 11 we will make an awesome modern bedroom design. The Minecraft bedroom tutorial will have a bed and other furniture.
The ScarWorld house download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/w0700zk4yf0rh08/ScarWorld_Creative_Building_World.zip
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